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Pinkathon 2024 Virtual and In-Person Challenge for Breast Cancer!

Thu May 1 - Mon November 3, 2025 Any Place in the World!, CA 94111 US


Important Info for Pinkathon In-Person Partipants for Saturday, October 19, 2024 in San Francisco!

If you are participating In-Person in San Francisco on 10-19-24, this page contains crucial information and instructions for you! Please take the time to read it carefully because it includes almost everything you need to know about this Saturday's Big Event!


  • Make your way to the NORTH END of the San Francisco Ferry Building, 1 Ferry Plaza, San Francisco, CA by Gott's Roadside outdoor patio
  • Look for bright pink Pinkathon signs and balloons. Follow the signs to the Check-in Area for your distance!  
  • Google Map link:
  • For directions on how to get there and info on Parking and Public Transportation options, visit
  • BART & Muni trains arrive at Embarcadero Station starting @ 6:17 a.m.
  • Our recommended Parking Garages at 4 Embarcadero & 250 Clay Street open at 7 a.m.


  • To ensure you have enough time to make it to the Event, please arrive between 7:00 am-7:30 am. You'll need plenty of time to park, check in, donate (if you haven't already), pick up your Raffle Tickets, go to the bathroom, drop your gear bags, look at the maps, and grab some coffee.
  • 50K and 26.2M Distance Participants have an Optional Early Start Time of 7:15am.  Please arrive before then if you want to run with others who are starting early!
  • Our Program and Announcements and Raffle Drawing starts at 8am.  Please arrive well before then or you will miss important info.  Raffle Prizes will be drawn at 8 a.m. during announcements, so pick up your raffle tickets before then or you won't be able to participate in the raffle.


  • The first thing you should do when you arrive (7–7:30 am) is look for the Check-in Area for Your Distance/Event!  
  • For 5K & 10K participants, the Check-in Area is Gott's Roadside outdoor patio.  
  • For all other distances/events, the Check-in Area is just North of Gott's by Pier One.
  • Then find one of the Pinkathon Volunteers and tell them your name and distance.
  • A volunteer will check you in and give you a ROUND PINK STICKER on the upper left corner of your shirt to indicate that you have checked in. 


  • After you are checked in, you can go to the nearest Donations/Raffle Tix table to pick up your Raffle Tix or make a donation, and then you'll receive your Raffle Tix.
  • The Pinkathon is, first and foremost, a FUNDRAISER for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The organizers are both breast cancer survivors and unpaid volunteers. 100% of your donations go to the charity, not race expenses or salaries. So, we would like to ask ALL participants to make a voluntary donation to our charity to the best of their ability.
  • You can donate online at (preferred).
  • We can also accept cash and checks made out to "Breast Cancer Research Foundation" or "BCRF." (Please don't make out the check to the Pinkathon.)
  • For each multiple of $25 you donated, you will receive one raffle ticket. For instance, if you donate $100, you will get four raffle tickets.
  • It's best if you donate online by Fri. 10/18/24, so we have your donation amount on our printouts.
  • If you make an online donation on the DAY OF the Event, please show your donation confirmation screen or email to a volunteer to get your raffle tix.
  • This year's Raffle Prizes are worth over $2,000! For a list of this year's Raffle Prizes, visit
  • The Raffle Drawing will occur at 8 a.m. during announcements. If you donate after 8 a.m., you won't be able to participate in the Raffle.
  • There will also be a separate raffle drawing for Virtual participants by the end of October. Virtual participants will be automatically entered (no raffle ticket needed).
  • This year, our Fundraising Goal is $50,000! Please help us reach or exceed our goal!
  • BCRF's Non-Profit Organization EIN # is  13-3727250. Their most recent financial statements are at:


  • Everything! Especially Water! You must bring and carry your water bottles and snacks for the trail! You can refill your water bottles at water fountains at the Ferry Building and along the course.
  • The Pinkathon is a "Fat-Ass" Event, which means that it is FREE, UNOFFICIAL, NO Official Distances, No Official Timing, NO AID STATIONS, NO WATER, NO FOOD, NO FREE SHIRTS, NO RACE PORT-A-POTTIES, NO COURSE MONITORS & NO COURSE MARKS (except for 5K, 10K and Pink Ribbon Trail), and NO NOTHING!
  • If you feel so inclined, please bring food and drinks to share such as baked goods, cookies, muffins, donuts, bagels and To-Go-Boxes of FRESH HOT COFFEE from Peets or Starbucks!  We will have a refreshment table set up for you to share your goodies!


  • Download, print, and bring your map to the Event at
  • These maps also show the locations of bathrooms and water fountains along the course
  • Most race distances (except for the Marathon, 50K, and Pink Ribbon Trail) are out and back along the San Francisco waterfront.  
  • We will attempt to make some course markings (chalk arrows, etc) for the 5K, 10K, and Pink Ribbon Trails). Possibly other distances if we can. 
  • Please download, print, and carry your maps for all other distances.  
  • Downloadable GPX map files by Michael Li will be available for the 50K and 26.2M distances on the maps page at
  • A limited number of printed map hand-outs for some distances will be available at the start.


  • Start/Finish Area:  There are public bathrooms and water fountains located on each end (North & South) inside the SF Ferry Building.  The bathrooms at the North End tend to get crowded and sometimes have long times.  The bathrooms at the South End (closest to the Bay Bridge) tend to be less crowded
  • Along the Course: The Pinkathon has NO AID STATIONS.  There are several public bathrooms and water fountains along the waterfront, and you can find them on our course maps at


  • If you are parked in the 4 Embarcadero Garage, you can get a small discount on your parking by picking up a Parking Validation card at the Foodwise Farmers Market Info Booth, in front of the SF Ferry Building.  The parking garage at 250 Clay Street does not require any validation.


  • There will be a gear bag check area at the Pinkathon. We will hold your bag until 2pm and then take it home.  Please do not leave anything valuable or important with us like keys, phones or wallets.  We are not responsible for stolen or missing items.


  • There are no Pinkathon T-shirts to give away or for sale at the Event!   (A few shirts will be Raffle Prizes).
  • We will have some great Pinkathon SWAGs for purchase, like Pink Socks, Hats, and more!
  • Even if you don't have a Pinkathon shirt, please wear something PINK at the Event!
  • If you'd like to order a Pinkathon T-shirt, you can order one online at


  • If you are already registered for this year's Event, you can find, download, and print your own customized Pinkathon Bib by signing into your account at: and go to your Profile and you'll See a link to download your bib.


  • The Pinkathon is a *Fat-Ass* Do-It-Yourself Event with No Official Distances or Timing.  You are responsible for tracking your own distance and time.  Strava, Garmin and many other Apps will measure your distance and time for you.
  • You may enter your own results on our website.  If you have already finished your In-Person or Virtual Challenge, you can upload your Results, log in to your account at and go to your Profile and you'll see where to enter your race results.


  • If you want to download and print your Finisher's Certificate log into your account at and go to your Profile and you'll See a link to download your Finisher's Certificate.



  • If you would like to be a volunteer, please email Lisa Felder asap at and she will tell you what we'd like you to do.
  • All Race-Day volunteers should show up at the North End of the SF Ferry Building by 6am on Sat. 10/21/23


  • If you are having any technical problems on our website or with making a donation, please contact Runsignup Customer support immediately at and they will try to assist you!

How to cancel or transfer to a different distance or virtual:



We are looking forward to see you all on Saturday, 10/19/24!

Ellen & Lisa

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